Pre-Design, Architecture, Interior Design, and Bidding... What happens in each of these phases? Let's Get Into It...
You can download the guide pictured below here!

01. Pre-Design

Links to related documents mentioned above:
My Remodel Jumpstart Workbook made to walk you through The Pre-Design Phase.
02. Architecture

Links to related documents mentioned above:
03. Interior Design

Links to related documents mentioned above:
04. Bidding

When you're ready, I would love to help you remodel or build your dream home! Here are 5 ways we can work together:
Grab my free Kitchen and Bath Design Checklist which will get you on my newsletter.
My free Live Material Board Workshop is a great place to start! In just one hour, you will have the design for your dream home materializing on paper!
My new Remodel Jumpstart Workbook is packed with 100 pages of valuable information and worksheets to help you create a plan for your design, budget, and team!
Save yourself hours of research with my Remodel Resource Guide! I have compiled all my favorite suppliers for things like flooring, countertops, light fixtures, plumbing fixtures, cabinets, and hardware...
When you're serious about starting your remodel or new home, come spend six weeks with me, and I will walk you through the interior design of your project using my signature interior design program!